Sources of
Operational Income
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By the third year of operation, The Eastern Kentucky Heritage Monument will be, according to the Feasibility Study numbers,  a self-sustaining enterprise with a positive cash flow.

Entry fee: $3.00 per person (Feasibility Study predicts 700,000 visitors per year by third year of operation.)

$2,100,000 per year

Gift / gallery sales The estimate from the feasibility study is $450,000 per year. It must be considered, however, the Gift/Gallery sales are not a priority at the Monument. A primary mission is to send visitors to other places across the region to make purchases.
Food sales

The small café is a service to the visitors. It is not a revenue generating priority but it will provide revenue. The Monument’s role is to promote other venues rather than to compete.
Event rental fees for facility (conferences, weddings, homecomings, etc.) $50 - $500 per event
Indoor theater and amphitheater: Community performances and concerts; gate and concessions To be determined
Donations to Eastern Kentucky Heritage Monument, fund raisers Tax deductible
Educational Field Trips Goal is to be revenue neutral
Continued grant writing To expand educational and cultural programming.