Hazel Green Academy
Life Long Learning Center

Although the title, Life Long Learning Center, proved to be overly
ambitious we are very proud of our accomplishments in the five years we
operated. The facility was renovated and maintained by the Christian
Appalachian Project. The Wolfe County Arts Association managed the
facility and provided programming with the support of the Steele -Reese
Foundation. It was a great run.
The Hazel Green Academy Life Long Learning Center was committed to
providing high quality educational, artistic, cultural, and spiritual
opportunities for the people of the community, the region, and beyond.

While at Hazel Green Academy, our programming served approximately
twenty-two thousand people. Young people represented almost half that
number. These numbers do not reflect the patrons of the Jot 'em Down
store or the Mobile Health Clinic.
The following report contains a complete listing of the Wolfe County
Arts Association activities at Hazel Green Academy. WCAA events at the
Academy prior to 1998 are included to show the the development that
culminated in the Life Long Learning Center. This information can also
be found embedded in the Arts and Education page and Community page of
this web site. It is listed here to give a picture of what occurred at
Hazel Green Academy during our watch.
In 2003, The Life Long Learning Center closed when the owners of the
facility cast their lot with a religious business organization that
received a $3.2 million Faith-Based Initiative Grant. The campus became
a retreat for their denomination and now is in need of serious repair.
COMMUNITY EDUCATION: Arts and Humanities, Educational Field Trips,
Classes, Workshops and Meetings, Lecture Series, Summer Art Camp, Youth
COMMUNITY PERFORMANCES: Music, Theater, Chautauqua's
RETREATS: Spiritual Retreats, Mission Groups, Art Retreats,
Educational Retreats, Organizational Retreats
JOT'EM DOWN STORE: Thrift store.
EASTERN KENTUCKY MOBILE HEALTH CLINIC: Located once a week on campus.
Staff and Volunteers
 Darrell Davis,
CAP Facility Manager |
 Janine Musser, Director |
 David Musser, Education Director |
 Pat Beasley, Jot'em Down Store |
 Alice Davis, Quilter Extraordinaire |
Educational Field Trips
We are very pleased with the success of our
Educational Field Trips. Our Goal was to present high quality learning
experiences for the students of the region provided by professional,
experienced individuals and organizations from throughout the state. Our
Educational Field Trips supplemented and enhanced the educational goals
of the schools as mandated by the Kentucky Education Reform Act.
Our Educational Field Trips served approximately
8,000 students
We served students from seven counties:
Breathitt, Lee, Powell, Magoffin, Menifee, Morgan, and Wolfe.
Students from thirty-four different schools were
bussed to the Life Long Learning Center.
Forty three (43) Field Trip events.
Dozens of artists, presenters
or facilitators.
Forty-two (42) professional performances.
Two hundred and forty-seven (247) student

- Our field trips were unique in that they
addressed specific educational needs of small, precise groups of
students. However, we offered such a variety of events that all
students were potentially targeted.
- We provided a network so that teachers across the
region with similar needs could work together. We made a significant
breakthrough in that schools from different counties pooled
resources and worked together.
- We provided much needed Arts Education and
supplemented Science and Social Studies.
- In our region, the most common venue where
students from one county see students from another is at a
competitive athletic event. They view each other as adversaries,
both on and off the court. At our Field Trips students from
different schools and counties were combined. Many of our activities
were small-group oriented. This allowed students from different
schools to see each other as partners rather than as competitors.
- The admission price per student was very low,
usually around $3.00. The cost was considerably less than the
students would pay for exactly the same performance in Lexington,
Louisville, Cincinnati or elsewhere. Since the schools also have to
pay for their busses and drivers, our services allowed the students
more educational opportunities.
- We included Adult Education participants.
- We hosted special events for Gifted and Talented
- Students saw professional theater in a theater
setting rather than a gym or cafeteria.
- Many mountain students experienced live,
professional theater for the first time.
Review of Educational Field Trips
- Kentucky Shakespeare Festival: “Boy Meets Girl Meets Shakespeare”
(annual event, eight performances.) Workshop
for high school students based on four selected scenes.
- Kentucky Shakespeare Festival:“Shakespeare’s Clowns- A Fools Guide”
Performed by Curt Tofteland, Producing Director of KSF. (two

- Ballet Espanol: Professional dance company
(eight performers, two workshops and one community performance on
two occasions) Spanish dance and the contribution of Spanish culture
to dance and music. (These field trips were a big deal.)

- Mary Hamilton- Storyteller:
“Tales of Kentucky and other Stories”
(two performances)
- Randy Wilson:
“Stories and Songs of Appalachia”
(two performances) Kentucky Arts Council Artist in Residence.
Multi-instrumentalist, singer, storyteller.
- Don and Michelle Jessup: “Chemistry is Everywhere” (two days, eight
Professional chemists bring a science show to demonstrate the
importance of science in the everyday world.
- Lexington Children’s Theater:
(annual event) Professional Children’s Theater
“Pecos Bill and Sluefoot Sue” (two performances)
“Legend of John Henry” (two performances)
“Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe” (two performances)
- “Katerina
the Clever” (two performances)
“Aesop’s Fables” (two performances)
“Jack and the Wonderbeans” (four performances)

- "Hands-On Science Day" for fourth
grade students (three annual two day events, twenty-four workshops per day) with-
- University of Kentucky Professor Joe Straley and his “Physics Petting Zoo.”
- Mike Lewis,
National Weather Station
- Geology with the Prestonsburg Science Center
- Louisville Ballet: “The Artist and the Athlete” (two
- Russian Folk Singers and Dancers: “The Veronish, The Old Believers, The
Babushkas” (six workshops and a community performance) Three
groups and thirty-one artists performing folk song and dance from
their native Russia. This was a marvelous event.

- Math Day I and Math Day II with the
Wolfe County Gifted and Talented Students. (two days, twelve
workshops) All day practical math workshops for fifth grade students
lead by G&T students.
- Mountain Heritage Arts
with Mitch Barrett and Carla Gover four performances)
“Dispelling Negative Appalachian Stereotypes”
“It’s Cool to be Appalachian”
- Astronomy Days I, II, and III
with the Prestonsburg Science Center,
Tom Dant, David Musser, giant inflatable Planetarium, and more. (six

Inflatable Planetarium, crawl on in!
- “Salaam- Music from the Middle East” (two
performances) Five musicians present a slide show history tour
of the Middle East with demonstration of musical styles from each
“Powwow Dancer: Native American Stories and Dance” with Mr. Jeff Hatmaker (two performances) Discussion of Native Americans with
dance and music demonstration.

- “Drama Day I” (two performances, ten workshops) with Curt
Tofteland, Producing Director of The Kentucky Shakespeare Festival
and the Drama Department from Wolfe and Morgan County High Schools.
Hands-on, interactive workshops for fourth grade students.
- “Drama Day II” and “Drama Day III” (two days,
twice, forty workshops)
Berea College Professors Brenda Richardson and Deborah Martin and
their college students majoring in Education and Drama taught
hands-on theater workshops to fourth grade students.
- “Day of the Arts I and II” with Powell County TAG fifth grade students (two
days, ten workshops)

- “Hands-On Art” with Morgan County Gifted
and Talented students. (five workshops)
- Madcap Puppet Productions: “When You Wish Upon
a Fish” (two performances) Part of the Cincinnati Art Museum
“Hats Off Series.” Noted for the very large puppets.
- Kosmic Kite Factory: “Don’t Drag Your Tail”
(four workshops) Aerodynamic principals, kite history,
demonstrations and kite building.-

Community Performances
Hazel Green Academy Life Long Learning Center was dedicated to bringing
high quality arts performances to the community. Our aim was to
highlight and celebrate the Appalachian heritage as well as to feature
performers from outside our area. When possible, we tied community
performances to other events by, for example, adding an evening
community performance to the schedule of a field trip artist. Sometimes,
we could schedule a community performance in conjunction with another
conference or retreat.
- “Ballet Espanol”
Spanish Dance Company featuring Mara Maldonado. Eight performers.
This performance was in conjunction with a special Kentucky Arts
Council grant. A well-known Flamenco guitarist was flown in from New
York as part of this performance. Their regular company guitarist is
a native Eastern Kentuckian. Ms Maldonado, Principal Dancer, is the
only American to have danced with the Spanish National Dance
- “Eastbound”: Bluegrass Music Concert
- “Blue Dawg Band”:
Bluegrass Music Concert
- Kentucky Shakespeare Festival:
"Boy Meets Girl Meets Shakespeare" "Shakespeare's Clowns: A Fools
guide to Shakespeare"
- Roland Dunn and the East
Kentucky Mountain Boys Bluegrass Music Concert
- Homer Ledford and the Cabin
Creek Band Bluegrass Music

- Mary Hamilton- Storyteller: “Tales from
Kentucky and Other Stories”
- Gospel Music Concert:“Gospelway Singers”
- Glen Duff’s “High Falls Jamboree”
Bluegrass Gospel Music
- “The New Coon Creek Girls” Bluegrass group honoring the memory of the Original Coon
Creek Girls who were from this area.
- Russian Folk Singers and Dancers: “The
Veronish, The Old Believers, The Babushkas” (six workshops and a
community performance) Three groups and thirty one artists
performing folk song and dance from their native Russia. This was a
marvelous event. The community had a “pot luck” dinner with the
artists before the performance.
- J.P. Fraley and Band:
Old Time Appalachian Music
- Richard Jett's "Town and
Country Singers"
- Environmental Play:
“The Trashman Cometh”
by Illusions of Grandeur
- “Arts At the Academy” Annual event. Local
artists display their work and local bands perform.
Swift Creek Band |
Sam Peck's Back Porch Pickers |
Gospel Crossroads |
High Fall's Jamboree |
East KY Mt. Boys |
Sam Wilson Band |
Lee Allen Band |
Lennie Center Band |
Apple Butter Band |
Natural High |
Homeplace |
Jamie and Jesse Wells |
- African Drumming- “River City Drum Corps”
(Louisville, three community performances)
- “African Drumming and Storytelling”:
Ajamu Mutima
- “Jimmy Cable III”: Traditional/Original
- Jazz Guitar with Bruce Lewis
- "Affrilachian Poets"
African-American Poets from Appalachia. Frank X Walker, Kelly Ellis
- Lexington Children’s Theater The Wolfe
County Arts Association has brought over forty-five performances to
area schools, various community locations and to the Hazel Green
Academy auditorium. HGA performances listed below. A complete
listing is under the webpage "History of Events."
- "Katerina the Clever"
"Pecos Bill and Sluefoot Sue"
"Aesop's Fables"
- "Jack and the Wonderbeans"
"Huckleberry Finn"
- "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
"The Legend of John Henry"
- James Still, “River of Earth”: a reading
by the Kentucky Poet Laureate with musical accompaniment by Randy
- Poetry Reading: Local and Regional Poets
- “Swift Creek”: Bluegrass Music
- “Seven Pounds of Bluegrass”: Bluegrass
Music Concert. The musicians were elementary and middle school
- Randy Wilson: “Appalachian Music and
- "Where Art Meets Ed" A
weeklong Teacher In-service arts and humanities summer camp held
annually for five years. Community performances were held in the
auditorium in the evenings.
- Angie DeBord
River City Drum Corps
Mitch Barrett
- Jamie and Jesse Wells
Kiya Heartwood Miriam
- Zambia Nakumba
Samyira Shabaz Paranoix
Poor Puppet Theater
- Adella, Adella, the Story Tella
Randy Wilson Ethel Caffie-Austin
- Belle and Buster Show
Artie Ann Bates Omope
- Carla Gover
Jeff Chapman-Crane Aziz
- Pame Kingfisher
Debbie Horton Pamela
Oldfield Meade
- Jim Webb: Folk music
and Story telling
- "African-American Gospel
Singing" with Ethel Cafie-Austin
- Cajun Music Concert
with the "Basin Brothers Band"
- Gurney Norman: a
reading from his novel "Kinfolks"
- Old Time Music Concert:
The Trough Sloppers
- Traditional Music Concert
with Duck Baker and Molly Andrews (two occasions)
- Berea Puppet Caravan
- Rock Music Concert with
- "Music Jubilee" oral histories of the region with
Kaye Birchfield

- Hazel Green Academy Old Time
Music Weekend featuring:
- Clyde Davenport and Bobby Fulcher
Midnight Mockingbirds
- Bruce Molsky
Christine Balfa (Cajun Music)
Dirk Powell
- Rafe Stehanainni
James Leva and Carol Jones
Brad Leftwich
Jot 'em Down Store
The Jot ‘em Down store was far more than
‘just another second-hand store.” It was a center for social activity
and a vital part of the lives of many people. The importance of a good
second hand store in an economically distressed community cannot be
Pat Beasley, an HGA alumnus, managed the store. She and her dedicated
staff (all volunteers) understood their clients, knew their
circumstances, and treated them with respect.
The Jot ‘em Down store was a ministry,
not a business. For many people, the store was a part of their routine.
It provided relaxation and comfort. Sure, they were looking for a “good
deal,” but the store was far more meaningful than a clothing bargain. We
did not keep a daily count of the number of people served at the store.
It was often a very busy place.
We extend a special “thank you” to the many churches, organizations
and individuals who contributed to the Jot ’em Down Store. The funds
generated from the Jot ‘em Down were used to help pay the utilities for
the Life Long Learning Center.

Eastern Kentucky Mobile Health Clinic
Hazel Green Academy Life Long Learning
Center, in partnership with St. Joseph’s Hospital, and through the
leadership of Representative John Will Stacy secured the Eastern
Kentucky Mobile Health Clinic for one day a week on the Academy grounds.
This facility provides much needed medical services to the community.

Art Studios
We had five Art Studios: Stained Glass, Pottery, Bookmaking/Paper
Marbling, Jewelry, and Quilting.
We are particularly proud of our ballet class. Our
Instructor, Adahli Aranda, was the Director of the Kentucky Ballet
Theater in Lexington, KY. We were extremely fortunate to get an instructor of this high caliber.
If you took your child to ballet lessons in Lexington, your child would
receive instruction from one of Adahli’s assistants rather than Adahli
herself. Our Ballet Classes were among the best ballet instructions
available in the entire state.

Mission Groups
Mission groups, such as The World Servants, Impact Missions and others, used our facility as base of
operations as they helped low income families of the region with home
improvements. These groups were often church youth groups from cities
across the United States. This was often our guests’ first experience of
Appalachia. Mission Retreats typically lasted one week and occurred
throughout the summer.

The lovely,
rural setting of Hazel Green provided a wonderful place for retreats-
overnight, weekend, or longer. Our guests could sense part of the one
hundred year old history of the Academy. They could almost hear the
footsteps of the former students in the halls of the old dormitories.
The Academy was a splendid and exalted place for our guests to "get away
from it all" and renew their inner health through arts, educational or
spiritual retreats.

- Gurney Norman's
Writer's Retreat (twelve weekend retreats)
- George Ella Lyon and Anne Shelby
Writer's Retreat
- Appalachian Women's Alliance
- Kentucky Writer's Day with Rebecca Bailey
- Writer's Retreat with Leatha Kendrick

- Richard Taylor, KY Poet Laureate- Writer's
- Spiritual Retreat with Father Ralph Beiting
- Jeff Chapman-Crane Oil Painting Retreat
- Stained Glass Weekend with Maria Lainhart
- Women's Wellness Weekends
- Alternate Roots Retreat
- Traditional Dance Weekend with Gene Boyer
- Anne Shelby Writer's Retreat
- Berea College Education Majors Retreat
- Berea College Upward Bound Program- Appalachian
- Sidney Farr and
Virginia Carney Writer's Workshop
- Crystal Wilkinson Writer's Retreat
- Ed McClanahan's
Writer's Workshop

Community Education
The Hazel Green Academy Life Long Learning Center
was dedicated to continuing the spirit of Hazel Green Academy’s original
mission by providing educational services to the people of the region.
Our Community Education programming was divided into four categories:
Arts and Humanities, Lecture Series, Workshops and Meetings, and
Classes. The Humanities Speakers and Chautauqua's were held at the
Academy or elsewhere in the community as part of an established Wolfe
County Arts Association outreach program.
Community Education - Arts and Humanities
Kentucky Humanities Speaker Bureau
- Loyal Jones - “Appalachian
Humor and Values”
- Bill Evans - “History of the Banjo”
- Roberta Bird - “Shaker Songs”
- Diane Watkins - “Janice Holt Giles”
- Lynwood Montell - “Kentucky Ghosts”
- Gwen Henderson - “Kentucky Indians”
- David Dick – “A Popular Biography”
- James C. Klotter on “Is Kentucky Southern?”
- Ernie Tucker – “Appalachian Homespun Humor”
Kentucky Chautauqua Presentations
- Lilly Mae Ledford
(portrayed by Sandy Harmon)
- Simon Kenton (portrayed by Mel Hankla)
- John C. C. Mayo - Kentucky Coal Baron (portrayed by
David Hurt)
- John Breckinridge (portrayed by Duane Murner)
- Mary Breckinridge (portrayed by Carol Crow)
- Jesse Stuart (portrayed by James Lowe)
- Wolfe County Master Musicians Award
"Where Art Meets Ed"- three to five day Professional
Development for teachers (annual event for five years) Teachers and
artists from around the state, including local people. Community
- Professionalism in Writing with Bob Sloan
Community Education - Lecture Series
- “Growing Orchids” with Tom Jennings
“Climbing Mt. Vinson in Antarctica” with Martin Douthitt
“Solar Energy” with Josh Bills (courtesy Organic Gardeners)

Community Education -Workshop and Classes
- Domestic Violence Workshop (Appalshop Roadside
Theater and others)
- Safety Workshop with Wolfe County Adult
Education/Family Literacy Program
- Sam McKinney - Clay Sculpting (advanced level
- Stained Glass Workshops with Maria Lainhart I,
- Living History Gathering at the Jot ‘em Down (two
- Pickin' Place- Old Time Traditional Music
- Storytelling Workshop with Kaye Birchfield and
Tamara Coffey
- Hazel Green Writer's Meeting
- World Servants (annual week-long gatherings of
students and Mission Groups for community service)
- Hazel Green Academy Alumni Homecoming (annual
- Wise Village Workshop
- Arts at the Academy- Annual showcase and
demonstrations by local artists
- Camp Create I, II (four day children's summer Art
- Early Childhood Workshop for CAP Employees

- WCAA Meetings and Board Meetings
- Appalachian Heritage Highway Meeting
- CAP Safety Meeting
- Quilting Workshop (weekly)
- Mountain Parkway Corridor Tourism Meeting
- Michigan Methodists Volunteers (two weeks)
- Kentucky Arts Council and Arts Kentucky Meeting
- Various Family Reunions
- Various meetings for local groups
- "Coffee, Tea and Poetry"- A Reading By Rebecca
- World Servants Community Carnival
- Jewelry Making – Saturday Session
- Basketmaking – Saturday Session
- Paper Marbling and Bookmaking with Clara Keyes –
Saturday Session
- Beading with Janine Musser
- Organic Gardners
- Painting Workshop with Al Corrnett
Community Education - Classes
- Ballet Classes with Kentucky Ballet Theater (three age
- Table Tennis instruction with Byron Risner
- Yoga with Renee Powell
- Stained Glass with Maria Lainhart
- Hazel Green Academy Quilters
- Basket Making- Round Bottom Basket with Janine
- Basket Making- Egg Basket with Janine Musser
- Dream Maker with Pearl Morris
- Candle Making with Pam Meade
- Fiddle with Jamie Wells
- Fiddle with Greg Moore
- Children's Music with David Musser
- Dulcimer for Fourth and Fifth Grade Students
- Children's Art with Kaye Birchfield
- Photography with Joe Boone
- Stone Carving with Fred Ostrem
- Jewelry Making with Susan Tipton
- Creative Movement with Dale Gutman
- Mandolin and Fiddle with Don Rigsby
- Old Time Banjo with David Musser
- Dulcimer with David Musser
- "Mommy and Me Pottery" with Sandra McGuire
- Pottery with Janell Osbourne
- Ornament Making
- Pottery with Sandra McGuire
- Egg Painting with Renee Powell
- Christmas Wreath Making with Tom Jennings
- Drawing with Chris Nolin
- Watercolors with Catherine Wells

- Knitting with Renee Powell
- Theater Games for Children with Brannin Musser
- Children's Art Classes with Tom Dant
- Drawing with Debi Horton
- Quilting with Betty and Alice
- Aerobics Classes
- Song Writing with Kiya Heartwood
- Karate
- Drawing with Ava Risner
- Creative Writing with Becky Bailey